Saturday, January 3, 2015

Day 2: Another Mile and More

I have returned to the gym for another round. This time I brought 3 of my 4 daughters. We each did a mile run for baselines for the year it was interesting to watch them and in the end, my oldest of the three came in first, then the next came in second and the last came in third. I found that result interesting as the first and third are overweight by a considerable amount, a genetic gift they got from me. The middle, is more or less on target. However, I am not writing about them. For their privacy, I exclude details but for their encouragement, I give anecdotes of them as encouragement as well as indication that we do this as a family.

I also did another mile and came in today at 19:11.This is just four seconds longer than yesterday. The differences between them was yesterday I was in a long sleeved shirt and coat and cargo pants, (I brought no lock for the locker and did not want to set them aside.) Today I was in athletic shorts, shirt and shoes. Yesterday, I was marking lap times with my phone to compare laps. Today, I had my daughters count laps and just let the timer run. I felt that today, could have been shorter, but I did not push myself.

After the mile walk today, My girls went to swim and I went to the treadmill. I wanted to try a run with a pulse measurement. A brief 6 second measure yesterday showed a rate of 140 BPM. Today, as I am working on a fat burn, I targeted 120 BPM. I started at 2 miles/hour and by 10 minutes accelerated to 3 in two increments. I remained at 3.0 MPH until 55 minutes, than began a cool down. I burned 550 calories and in the hour ran 2.75 miles. If we factor in the mile walk than I burned about 750 calories over the whole walk of 3.75 miles.

Before the run I weighed in at 373.2. I am not expecting a large weight change day to day or even over a week. However, I want enough data points to demonstrate a weight drop with my efforts. The difference in clothing could easily account for the difference day to day.

What do you do different from what I did? What suggestions do you have? On Monday, I will be doing another mile and then swimming in the pool.

Will report again then. 

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate your Candor and courage. May your hard work and dedication yield you success.
