Saturday, January 3, 2015

The 19 Minute Mile

Well 19:08.89 is what my phone said it was. Pretty pathetic huh? Well let me lay down a few numbers for you. I am 38 years old, I weigh 375 pounds, I have mild hypertension, and I overeat, sometimes by as much as three times the calories I should have in a day in a single meal. The upside? I am not yet diabetic and I still can do most everything physically I want to do. Does a 19 minute mile sound so terrible anymore? Yes, it does. It just doesn't sound as surprising as it did to me before I started.

Many people set new years resolutions with the idea that they are going to make miraculous changes in their lives. many people make a long list of the huge things they are changing in their lives to make their resolution a reality. I can't do that and expect to succeed. Why? Well, first, I like food too much to just cut out everything. Second, I have been morbidly obese like this for a long time, Third, I like my job and my hobbies which have me in front of a computer for hours at a time too much to believe, I can just walk away from them. Besides, I have eight children and a beautiful wife to support so right now is not the time for changes in career.

However, besides what has been mentioned, I do want to make changes in my life. First, I find it almost impossible to run anymore for any stretch. Every time I do, my body panics and after a few dozen feet, I am heaving. I can't play basketball. I can't run around with my kids playing soccer. They like camping but for me, the sheer weight of my body on the hard earth just hurts all by itself without other issues. I also can't fit in a regular sleeping bag. I have also in the past three years been on a CPAP machine. It was that or  I keep putting up with the constant headaches every morning brought on by oxygen deprivation.

All of this has culminated into one big disgusted view of myself. I know I am a good person and people love me. I just don't want to disappoint anymore at my lack of ability to do things with my kids. I don't want to wonder if my wife, despite what she says, wishes I was thinner. I don't want to get ripped or become some other freak of nature where my body fat is measured in decimals. I just want to get to normal.

Accordingly, I will periodically record some of my stats here and some annotations about my experience. My goal is to get down to 300 by years end and then go from there. I have not been down there since 2001. It is time.

So here are a few stats.
Jan 3 (The beginning)
I weighed yesterday at 375.0 lbs on the nose.
Today my chest is at 57.5 inches
My chubby hubby Goodyear tire comes in at 60 even
My thigh comes in at 30 inches

As those are my biggest problem areas, though I do have others, I am hoping for the biggest changes there.

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