Saturday, September 15, 2018

Diabetes, keto, and successes

It has been three years since I last posted here and a lot has happened since then. I will summarize...You're welcome.

First, April 2017 I was diagnosed with Diabetes Type 2, which I had already long suspected. I had been losing weight after not having changed anything and got down to 330 pounds from my all-time high of 375 pounds. I went to my doctor and it seemed to be a story he had seen plenty of times before. I had also long been mildly hypertensive for years and it was getting worse. My cholesterol was high and so here it came. Metformin, Atorvastatin, Ramipril and a low-dose aspirin in a pear tree.

Fast forward a year. I had gained a bunch of weight back but not all the way. I felt like I had gotten my rampant sugar under control but every effort I made to lose weight met with no success. I had read about some of the dangers of statins and Metformin but didn't really know what I could do to change anything. Then at the end of March earlier this year, Elizabeth had been doing some research and had read quite a bit on the Ketogenic Diet. I spent some time and watched some videos on the topic. She wanted to go on it and so we decided to try it together.

The concepts seemed counter-intuitive and when I learned about intermittent fasting a few days later I thought, "Whoah! I won't be able to do this." I can rarely fast past lunchtime without feeling sick and was not optimistic.

After a few weeks of eating Keto, I was able to transition to eating just two meals a day. I was losing weight and wasn't feeling sick. My blood pressure was down and I had tested my sugar which, though was not perfect, had been steadily dropping. Eventually, I dropped all my meds and my sugar remained low. I dropped two pants sizes, now three and even they fit nice and loose. Booyah! new wardrobe comin!

There have been many conflicting results and thoughts about keto and largely we follow Dr. Eric Berg and his advice on videos, though I also follow Ron Berry among a few others. Ultimately it is learning principles of keto and finding what works for you.

Over the past couple of months, I haven't done as well at intermittent fasting and have stopped losing. Part of the issue was commitment and part has been the stress of the summer months on top of several projects which demand my time. I haven't done much running or exercise as my time is entirely consumed by other needs.

I am ready to take a new step now and plow in. In the next week, I will do a new mile run and see how much I have progressed. I will post then. Until then, tell me your thoughts. 

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