Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2018 goal and a new one for 2019

First 2018...

I initially had a goal when I started April 2, 2018 on keto to lose weight down to 300 lbs by 31 December. I had begun at about 360 and over the first couple of months made rapid progress. I dropped down to 330 and adjusted the goal to accomplish it by my birthday at the end of October. I thought losing too fast could cause problems such as "surplus skin" as well as some heart issues, problems I had been warned about my whole life.

I began "cheating" by adding things like diet sodas and other "diet things that were low in carbs but otherwise had no other value. I rationalized this by saying it was to keep my sanity. I had gone months without soda and it was hard to not have a root beer. My weight continued to creep down but much more slowly and more noticeably when I resorted to uncomfortable levels in intermittent fasting.

Occasionally, on a date with Elizabeth, we would eat out and in restaurants, it had been hard to get a good solid meal that was solidly keto. Again, we would cheat so as to not have to pay for a full meal and only get a part of one.

Things really started to fall apart after Halloween and by Thanksgiving, I had largely thrown in the towel when it was inconvenient to eat keto. Ultimately I had bottomed out at 315 pounds and had crept back up bit by bit. I enjoyed my holiday foods, candies, etc. but there were some times where I had seriously overeaten and was "sugared out". A couple of times I had serious regrets and aggravated my Diabetes symptoms to uncomfortable levels. If anything is served as a memorable reminder about how unhealthy my former lifestyle was.

Now and forward...CHARGE!!!

Now on 1 January, 2019 I am back to 340lbs. Without dismissing the successes at having lost weight far more effectively than in any other way I have tried, I am willing and ready to recommit to Keto, Intermittent fasting (IF) and High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Below is a "before" picture.

A modest "Vetruvian man", yes but it is and will be easier to see progress. To forestall nightmares, I used one of my regular loose t-shirts rather than a tighter one. Now for some baseline measurements,

Neck: 19"
Chest: 55.5"
Stomach: 57"
Waist (da belt): 49"
Bicep: 17"
Thigh: 25"
Calf: 18.5"

These are the places where I expect to see the most change and evidence of progress. Some like my chest, thigh, and calf I don't expect to lose a lot of size. I actually hope to gain some muscle.

Other benchmarks are as follows (measured today):

Chest Press: 150 lbs
Plank: 0:35.4.

Health indicators:

Resting HR: 84
Time to get to resting HR from racing: 7 minutes
Resting BP: pending in a couple of days. Need a new cuff.

Goals for 2019

As much as I want to find time to relax, if this is going to work I am going to need to work. Accordingly, I have decided on the following goals:


- HIIT workout twice a week. (Wed and Sat)
- Walking nightly, weather permitting.
- Swimming once a week. This is not intended to be much of a workout but relief for my joints.


- Keto diet with intermittent fasting.
- Intermittent fasting on a 20/4 fasting/eating window.
- No Soda.


- 25 lbs per quarter.
- Ultimately down to 250 by years end.
- Stretch goal down to 225 by years end.

Many would consider many of these goals as being unrealistic. However, these past 9 months have demonstrated I can do the diet and it will work. I also feel much better on the diet. The challenge will be to stay away from poor food choices, avoid snacking of any kind, and find other solutions to boredom.

My partner and coach in these goals is my beloved companion Elizabeth. Without her, I would not have begun this journey. Without her, I would not continue either. I have other motivations but she is by far the best one.

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